Corporate governance

Corporate governance

Sedef SA is a public limited liability company under German law with its registered office in Berlin, Germany. Sedef is exempted from applying the German legal regime for large companies, the so-called large company regime (structuurregime), because Sedef is an international holding company.

Sedef has a two-tier board. The management board is responsible for managing the company. It is supervised and advised by the supervisory board. Both boards are accountable to Sedef’s general meeting of shareholders. The management board is supported by the executive committee.

German Corporate Governance Code

Sedef recognizes the importance of sound corporate governance practices and the role they play in building trust with our stakeholders. Although Sedef is not legally required to comply with the German Corporate Governance Code, we have implemented its principles and recommendations as part of our commitment to transparent and responsible management.

In accordance with the Code’s “comply or explain” principle, Sedef may deviate from certain provisions that are not compatible with our legal structure and business model. Nevertheless, we strive to adhere to the Code’s best practices wherever possible, as we believe that they contribute to the long-term success of our company and its integration into society.

To ensure compliance with the German Corporate Governance Code, Sedef has made changes to its rules of procedure for the management board, supervisory boardaudit committee, and remuneration committee, among others. These changes reflect our commitment to responsible corporate governance and our dedication to maintaining the highest standards of transparency and accountability.

Good Business Practice

Our Good Business Practice Guide provides a clear and concise summary of how we interact with each other within our company and how we respond in certain situations. The guide contains information on our code of conduct (standards and values), whistleblower policy and our approach towards information security and fraud prevention.

Whistleblower policy

Sedef is committed to conducting business at all times in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, the Sedef code of conduct and all company policies. Therefore, it is important that Sedef is aware of all possible violations, especially those that are against the laws and regulations or violate our code of conduct and policies. Our whistleblower policy is intended to encourage everyone within Sedef to report suspected irregularities in good faith and substantively. More information regarding the whistleblower policy can be found in our Good Business Practice Guide.

Our Best Practices for Business Success

At Sedef, we’re committed to running a successful business that delivers value to our customers, employees, and stakeholders. To achieve this, we follow these best practices:

  1. Define Our Goals: Before we can achieve success, we need to know what success looks like. We define our short-term and long-term goals, as well as the metrics we will use to measure progress.
  2. Communicate Effectively: Good communication is key to any successful business. We strive to be clear and concise in our messaging, and encourage feedback from our team and customers.
  3. Empower Our Team: Our employees are our greatest asset. We empower them to make decisions and take ownership of their work. We provide them with the resources and training they need to succeed.
  4. Embrace Technology: Technology can help streamline our business processes and improve efficiency. We invest in tools and software that will help us achieve our goals and stay competitive.
  5. Focus on Quality: Quality is at the heart of everything we do. We ensure that our products and services meet or exceed customer expectations, and strive for continuous improvement.
  6. Stay Agile: The business landscape is constantly changing. We stay nimble and adaptable, and are willing to pivot our strategy as needed.
  7. Build Relationships: Success in business often comes down to relationships. We build strong connections with our customers, suppliers, and partners, and focus on delivering value to all stakeholders.
  8. Measure Results: Finally, we measure our results and track progress towards our goals. We use data to inform our decision-making and identify areas for improvement.

By following these best practices, we have set Sedef up for success and achieved our long-term goals. Remember, building a successful business takes time, effort, and dedication, but the rewards are well worth it.